Thursday 30 May 2013

Types of Pilates exercises for Beginners

Check out the different types of  Pilates Exercises for Beginners

What sets Pilates apart is its focus on toning the muscles with springs, bands, or your own body weight.
WebMD teamed up with Alycea Ungaro, author of 15 Minute Everyday Pilates, to create an exciting routine for beginners. Some moves are shown using Pilates studio equipment, but most can be done at home. Be sure to check with a doctor first if you're 45 or older, or if you have a medical condition


Considering Pilates Classes and Instructors

There are nearly 500 Pilates studios that offer classes nationwide, and the explosion continues. Instructors of the official Pilates Method must complete a rigorous training program that includes more than 600 apprenticeship hours. Other Pilates factions have created their own certifications, which may or may not be as rigorous. To find a good Pilates instructor, you’re going to have to rely on your own judgment and recommendations from people you trust.

You can practice Pilates three ways:

•    You can take a group class that involves performing specialized calisthenics exercises, with or without a mat.

Credit: Photograph by David Herman and Jordan Levy

Using a mat for upper abdominal curls.

•    You can take private lessons on a series of machines with exotic names like the Cadillac and the Reformer. The Cadillac, with its array of springs, straps, poles, and bars, looks like a bed that the Marquis de Sade might have enjoyed. The Reformer looks like a weight bench souped up with assorted springs, straps, and pads


Pilates is a popular exercise method of stretching and strengthening movements coupled with focused breathing techniques designed to tone and balance the body. Those who regularly practice pilates enjoy a positive increase in lung capacity, circulation, overall muscle strength, flexibility and bone density as well as better posture and balance, according to the certification organization Pilates Method Alliance. Beginners will find immediate benefits when they start a pilates program, whether they exercise in a class, at home with a DVD or with online instructions. Be sure to wear loose clothing and exercise on a mat. Check with your doctor before starting pilates to ensure your body is able to do this type of exercise


The Hundred

One of the first pilates exercises a beginner learns is the hundred. Lie on your mat with your legs lifted to a 45 degree angle. Tighten your abdominals and slowly lift your head and shoulders off the mat into a scoop position. Pump your arms up and down by your side 10 times as you breathe one long breath in and out. Release your neck and shoulders back to the floor and rest for a moment. Complete two to three sets of this exercise initially as you work towards a goal of 10 sets.

The Roll-Up

Lie on your mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Stretch your arms over your head, keeping your arms in a straight line with your shoulders. Inhale and stretch your arms up towards the ceiling in a forward rolling motion as you tighten your abdominals, pull your chin to your chest and roll up slowly to a sitting position with your arms stretching forward. Hold the position as you exhale.

Double Leg Stretch

Begin with your back flat on your mat and your knees bent and pulled in to your chest. Tighten your abdominals as you move your chin towards your chest and raise your shoulders as you reach out to grasp your ankles with your hands. Inhale slowly as you simultaneously stretch your arms backwards over your head until they are in line with your ears and straighten your legs out at a 60-degree angle from the mat.

Spine Stretch Forward

Sit on your mat with your legs stretched out before you and your knees slightly bent with your toes facing the ceiling. Raise your arms to shoulder height and stretch them out before you. Inhale as you bring your chin to your chest, pull your navel towards your spine and reach your arms forward to form a C curve shape with your upper body while keeping your lower back in a straight position.


Start practicing the different Pilates Exercises for Beginners and stay fit and healthy.

You may also like: Pilate Exercise

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