Saturday 1 June 2013

Pilates exercises for beginners at Home

Pilates can be practiced at home , here the guide for Pilates exercises for beginners 

Pilates enthusiasts around the world are enjoying Pilates workouts in a place that until recently seemed absurd – at home. It was only offered in high-end studios and health clubs. And the equipment was too big, too bulky and too expensive for most of us.

Mat workouts changed everything. Home users first discovered Pilates mat videos and DVDs that guided them through refreshing full body workouts. Now Balanced Body® offers you a full range great products for home workouts. See our list to the right of our most popular home Pilates products.

Enjoying Pilates at home allows the ultimate flexibility - no scheduled classes to get to on time. You’ll need a healthy dose of self-discipline, though, to regularly carve out time for yourself for the recommended three sessions a week.

Off to a great start

Before starting a Pilates program at home, expert trainers highly recommend taking one or two classes at a studio or health club to get acquainted with the exercise. The investment will be well worth it. Good Pilates technique includes intricacies of both movement and breathing that are best explained and demonstrated by a qualified instructor.

Mat workouts at home

Pilates exercises on a floor mat are popular for two big reasons:

•    They’re inexpensive
•    Space requirement is minimal

You’ll find lots of DVDs and videos to choose from. Many include variations that accommodate beginning to advanced levels. Some also include exercises with small, inexpensive accessories like rings and rollers, which add variety and interest to your workout. See our recommendations below.

Reformer workouts at home

Reformers are by far the most popular piece of Pilates equipment. With its system of springs and ropes, a Reformer provides both resistance and assistance to the exercises. This expands the variety of exercises you can do and allows them to be easier or more difficult, depending on your needs.

Balanced Body offers a variety of Reformers for home use. If you have limited space, you’ll want to look at our newest Pilates IQ® Reformer, which shortens to slide under a bed or upright in a closet between workouts. You’ll also find a great series of Reformer Videos and DVDs in our online Store.


1. Standing balance into roll down

This move acts as a warm-up, while getting you to focus on your inner core. Repeat 6 to 10 times at the start of your workout to help you focus on your inner core.

The move: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, engaging your inner core. Rise up onto your toes, and lift your arms out to shoulder height.

Exhale and come down off your toes, then tuck your chin into your chest as you roll down vertebra by vertebra. Draw your abdomen in and use your abs to lift back up.

Focus on relaxing your back muscles as you roll down and drawing your belly button in as you lift and lower. Use deep, slow breaths and try to relax as much as you can.


A great way to reduce at home - Pilates exercises for beginners

You may also like: Pilate Exercise

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