Tuesday 28 May 2013

Spine stretch with Pilates exercises for beginners

Spine stretch with Pilates exercises for beginners. Check out how it can be effective.

The important principles of Pilates are consistent with an exercise program that promotes back health. In particular, learning awareness of neutral alignment of the spine and strengthening the deep postural muscles that support this alignment are important skills for the back pain patient.

Patients with pain stemming from excessive movement and degeneration of the intervertebral discs and joints are particularly likely to benefit from a Pilates exercise program. In addition, postural asymmetries can be improved, thus decreasing wear and tear resulting from uneven stresses on the intervertebral joints and discs.
Pilates improves strength, flexibility and suppleness of the muscles of the hip and shoulder girdle. Fluid and supported movement through these joints helps prevent unnecessary torque on the vertebral column.

Photo Source:www.healthandlifestyle.ca
The Pilates program also teaches awareness of movement habits that may stress the spine, and helps the patient change these habits to those that preserve neutral alignment. Awareness of excessive tension and the use of proper focus helps the patient use the body efficiently.

Pilates Considerations for Back Pain Patients

Before starting any new exercise system, it is always advisable to check with a physician or other healthcare provider. Before starting a Pilates exercise program, it is important to check that the potential instructor has received training in the Pilates exercise system, and that he or she understands any specific back problems. If a patient starts Pilates after physical therapy, the physical therapist should outline the exercise principles identified as particularly important for his or her rehabilitation.

Ref: http://www.spine-health.com/wellness/yoga-pilates-tai-chi/pilates-exercise-and-back-pain

Many muscles work together to move and support the spine. You can see some of the surface back muscles in the diagram above, but there are deeper layers of back muscles like the multifidus, that play important roles in supporting the spine. And the back muscles don't work alone. They work in concert with the abdominal muscles in a complex dance of contraction, release, and counter balances that keeps us erect or lets us bend and twist.

One of the great benefits of the Pilates method of exercise is that it is designed to promote a healthy, strong, flexible spine. In Pilates, the core muscles of the back and abdomen are trained to provide strength and flexibility for the spine. There are exercises that stimulate the spine, and an overall focus on balanced muscular development and skeletal alignment that helps keep the spine long, decompressed, and protected.

Ref: http://pilates.about.com/od/technique/ss/human-spine-anatomy_5.htm

Make Pilates exercises for beginners effective for you.

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