Saturday 18 May 2013

Pilates exercises for beginners: The roll over

The Roll-Over is one of the essential Pilates exercises for beginners. To learn how to do it, watch the accompanying video for a visual demonstration.

The Rollover

Perform the Rollover with intense Zen focus for optimum results. Lie on the mat with legs extended and arms at your sides, palms down. Contract your core muscles, press your palms into the floor and raise both legs to the ceiling. Use the abs to stabilize yourself, squeeze glutes tightly and lift from the hips to bring your lower back off the floor as you roll the legs back until they are parallel with the ceiling. Balance on your shoulders, never your neck, as you open the legs slightly and continue rolling back toward the floor. Hover your toes just off the floor, then roll your spine back down to the mat, vertebrae by vertebrae, as you keep the legs strong and turned out, maintaining control with the core muscles. Before your feet reach the floor, squeeze legs together and repeat the exercise for a total of three consecutive Rollovers.



Start by lying back on an exercise mat. The Roll-Over is all about your abdominals, but you'll also feel your triceps working a little bit as you press your arms into the mat. It's not considered cheating to use your arms on this one. This exercise can be a bit challenging, so begin with the prep and work your way toward the full Roll-Over, especially if you have any neck issues. To begin the prep, extend your legs up toward the ceiling, keeping your thighs pressed together and toes pointed. Your arms should be down at your sides, pressed into the mat with your palms down and shoulders open.

  1. Exhale, and using your abdominals, lift your tailbone about two inches off the mat, squeezing your inner thighs.
  2. Inhale as you pull your tailbone back down to the mat.

Repeat the prep until you feel comfortable moving onto the full Roll-Over exercise. Start from the prep position.

  1. On the inhale, bring your legs down to a forty-five-degree angle, keeping your abdominals pulled in.
  2. Exhale as you roll your legs all the way over your head.
  3. Inhale again as you take your legs apart, flex your feet, and touch your toes to the ground behind you.
  4. Exhale as you roll your body back slowly, one vertebra at a time, keeping your legs as close to your body as you can until you return back to your forty-five-degree angle.
Repeat the Roll-Over, pressing your arms into the mat, and keeping your movements as controlled as possible. When you're done with your reps, bring your knees in, and then rest your legs down onto the mat.

Click here for more on Pilates.

You mayalso like: Pilate Exercises

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